My Question is not in this list
Please send us an email or contact us through this form.
Are your items fresh? When do they expire?
When does my order arrive?
What happens if I am not available to receive my order?
FedEx or UPS will leave a message or delivery attempt notification, at the delivery address and/or contact you by telephone to arrange another delivery attempt. In certain countries such as the US, packages can be held at a FedEx/UPS location to be picked up. By default, packages sent to the US and Canada are shipped with no direct signature requirements upon delivery. If you wish to request special services such as direct signature required, adult signature required, or to be held at a FedEx/UPS facility, please contact us beforehand.
Do you offer returns or refunds?
Do you offer wholesale discounts?
We may offer wholesale prices on some items. Contact us.
I am looking for something that is not on the list. Can you get me this?
We offer managed supply and brokerage services for all types of Argentine products. Contact us with your requirements
What is paid for?
When you place an order at Tradiciones Argentinas, you are paying for the items you selected, shipping to your location, and insurance (up to US100). If applicable, local duties or taxes are not paid. If in doubt, contact us or contact your local FedEx or UPS representative. It is the buyer’s responsibility to ensure that purchased items can be shipped to the intended country, according to local laws.
I am looking for a specific product, can you make it available?
If you are looking for a specific product that it not available on our website send us a message and we will get back to you to see if we can find it for you
I received my order but something was broken/damaged?
We apologize in advance if you received your order and something was damaged or broken in transit. Please send us message so that either resend the products or provide you with a refund.
How did we do?
We want our customers to be satisfied from beginning to end while making their purchases, that is why we appreciate your honest feedback. If you believe there is something we can improve upon or do better please leave us a suggestion. We appreciate them and they allow us to provide better service for everyone. However, if you were completely satisfied with your shopping experience leave us a review on our Facebook! We love to know how we did and be assured that our customers are happy
What does my order status mean?
On-Hold: Transaction is awaiting for your payment.
Pending: Transaction confirmation from our payment processor is pending. Confirmations may be delayed for fraud prevention measures.
Processing order: Your order is being processed and packaged at one of our fulfillment centers.
Shipped: Your order is completed and shipped with one or more of our shipping companies.
Completed: Your purchase was delivered at destination address.
Manual verification required: insufficient or ambiguous shipping information provided, telephone missing, or any other issues that prevent us from fulfilling and shipping your order automatically. We will contact you by e-mail, order message, or telephone if required.
I have not received any notification e-mails
We send automatic notification e-mails to your indicated address when your order is confirmed, awaiting fulfillment, processing order, and shipped. Please check your spam or updates folder for notification e-mails. Please check that your e-mail was entered correctly during checkout or signup. If you still have not received any notification or confirmation e-mail, please contact us.
How are meltable items handled during hot weather?
Payment Methods
Payment Methods
If you don´t see your question, you can send us an email or contact us through this form.
How can I pay for
You can pay with almost all debit and credit cards. Payments are processed securely by PayPal. After finishing the purchase process, you can click on “PayPal button”, login to your paypal account and select your favorite payment method or click on “Debit or Credit Card button” and complete with your card info. Payment information is not transmitted or stored on our servers. contact us if you need.
What is PayPal?
PayPal is a global network of over 4 million sellers and service providers who are linked to each other in this payment platform, with a global banking infrastructure and multi-option payment methods (credit card, bank transfer, others and an unrivaled global financial network that provides multi-layer redundancy). It provides you a comprehensive risk and fraud system protection. As an internationally regulated entity, you must know that your payee disbursements are made through a compliant, secure and tightly audited payments platform.
PayPal is a trusted partner of thousands of leading brands and has been distinguished among the top 50 it companies worldwide
For more information click here….
Payment Procedure
Payment Request example:
Step1: After finishing the purchase process, you will see the checkout page where you will choose the payment method. First, please accept the “terms & conditions“and then click on “Pay with PayPal” or “Debit or Credit card”
Step2. If you click on “Pay with PayPal” you will be redirected to PayPal secure website. Now you can login to your paypal account and select any payment method in your wallet. In this step you can create a new PayPal account if you want.
If you don´t have a PayPal account or you prefer not to use it this time, you just can move on to Step3.
In every step of the process you will see the “Cancel and go back to Tradiciones Argentinas” option:
Step3. May be you prefer to pay with “Debit or Credit Card”. In this case, just click on the button and you will this:
You will have to complete the card info and click “Pay Now”
Step4: After the payment, you will see the order info.
*You don’t need to send us any payment confirmation. PayPal will do for you automatically.
*Follow your order status in “MyAccount” -> “My Orders” using your Order number.
Shipping Costs
FLAT Rate (less than USD 50): USD7,99 | Anguila |
Over USD 50: Free Shipping | Antigua y Barbuda |
Aruba | |
Bahamas | |
Barbados | |
Belice | |
Bermudas | |
Bolivia | |
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius y Saba | |
Brasil | |
Canadá | |
Chile | |
Colombia | |
Costa Rica | |
Curazao | |
Dominica | |
Ecuador | |
EE. UU. | |
El Salvador | |
Granada | |
Guadalupe | |
Guatemala | |
Guayana Francesa | |
Guyana | |
Haití | |
Honduras | |
Islas Caimán | |
Islas Turcas y Caicos | |
Islas Vírgenes Británicas | |
Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos | |
Jamaica | |
Martinica | |
México | |
Monserrat | |
Netherlands Antilles | |
Nicaragua | |
Panamá | |
Paraguay | |
Perú | |
República Dominicana | |
San Kitts y Nevis | |
San Martín | |
San Vicente y las Granadinas | |
Santa Lucía | |
St. Maarten | |
Surinam | |
Trinidad y Tobago | |
Uruguay | |
Venezuela | |
Flat Rate (less than USD 65): USD 9,99 | Alemania |
Over USD 65: Free Shipping | Andorra |
Austria | |
Bélgica | |
Bulgaria | |
Dinamarca | |
El Vaticano (Santa Sede) | |
Eslovaquia | |
Eslovenia | |
España | |
Estonia | |
Federación Rusa | |
Finlandia | |
Francia | |
Grecia | |
Holanda | |
Hungría | |
Irlanda | |
Italia | |
Letonia | |
Liechtenstein | |
Lituania | |
Luxemburgo | |
Mónaco | |
Noruega | |
Polonia | |
Portugal | |
Reino Unido (Gran Bretaña) | |
República Checa | |
Rumania | |
Suecia | |
Suiza | |
Ucrania |
Flat Rate (less than USD 100): USD 15,99 | Albania |
Over USD 100: Free Shipping | Armenia |
Australia | |
Azerbaiyán | |
Bielorrusia | |
Bosnia y Herzegovina | |
Croacia | |
Georgia | |
Kazajistán | |
Kirguistán | |
Macedonia | |
Malta | |
Moldavia, República de | |
Montenegro | |
Nueva Zelanda | |
Serbia | |
Turkmenistán | |
Uzbekistán |
Flat Rate (less than USD 100): USD 13,99 | Birmania |
Over USD 100: Free Shipping | Brunéi |
Camboya | |
China | |
Corea del Sur | |
Filipinas | |
Hong Kong SAR, China | |
Indonesia | |
Islas Salomón | |
Japón | |
Kiribati | |
Laos | |
Libia | |
Macau SAR, China | |
Malasia | |
Nauru | |
Niue | |
Samoa | |
Singapur | |
Tailandia | |
Taiwán | |
Timor Oriental | |
Tonga | |
Tuvalu | |
Vietnam |
Flat Rate (less than USD 100): USD 15,99 | Afganistán |
Over USD 100: Free Shipping | Angola |
Arabia Saudita | |
Argelia | |
Bahréin | |
Bangladés | |
Benín | |
Botsuana | |
Burkina Faso | |
Burundi | |
Bután | |
Cabo Verde | |
Camerún | |
Chad | |
Chipre | |
Congo | |
Côte D’ivoire (Costa de Marfil) | |
Djibouti | |
Egipto | |
Emiratos Árabes Unidos | |
Eritrea | |
Etiopía | |
Fiyi | |
Gabón | |
Gambia | |
Ghana | |
Gibraltar | |
Guam | |
Guinea | |
Guinea-Bissau | |
Guinea Ecuatorial | |
India | |
Irak | |
Islandia | |
Islas Cook | |
Islas Mariana del Norte | |
Islas Marshall | |
Islas Mauricio | |
Israel | |
Jordania | |
Kenia | |
Kuwait | |
Lesoto | |
Líbano | |
Liberia | |
Madagascar | |
Malaui | |
Maldivas | |
Mali | |
Marruecos | |
Mauritania | |
Micronesia | |
Mongolia | |
Mozambique | |
Namibia | |
Nepal | |
Níger | |
Nigeria | |
Nueva Caledonia | |
Omán | |
Pakistán | |
Palaos | |
Papúa Nueva Guinea | |
Polinesia Francesa | |
Qatar | |
República Árabe de Siria | |
República Centroafricana | |
República Democrática del Congo | |
Réunion | |
Ruanda | |
Samoa Americana | |
Senegal | |
Seychelles | |
Sierra Leona | |
Somalia | |
Sri Lanka | |
Suazilandia | |
Sudáfrica | |
Sudán | |
Tanzania, República Unida de | |
Territorio Palestino | |
Togo | |
Túnez | |
Turquía | |
Uganda | |
Vanuatu | |
Wallis y Futuna | |
Yemen | |
Zambia | |
Zimbabue |